Laser levels were first introduced to the build environment in the 1970’s and since then they have become more compact, robust, accurate and affordable, the perfect leveling and alignment partner for contractors, artisans, technicians and architects. We offer short preparatory courses to familiarize yourselves with the latest laser leveling practices and to become confident with your laser level to increase your productivity.
For more information please contact us.
Layout Solutions
We believe that preparatory work makes up nine tenths of any project. Likewise building should begin on a solid foundation. So spending time on getting the foundations level and square will allow the construction process to progress smoothly to completion without any nasty surprises at the end. We therefore offer a simple level solutions program. A trained layout technician is available to give the client level datum, square profile, column plumbing, and periodic brick progress monitoring and general construction lines as per the requirements on the job.
For more information please contact us.
Level Datum
Square Layout
Square column
Level roofing
The full PLS range of laser levels is available for hire , long term or short term. (currently this service is available in the western cape area only.)
For more information please contact us.
Service repairs for your PLS laser levels .
For more information please contact us.
PLS 90
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